Just then i happened to pop onto this pic. It was an amazing moment between us pals. We ate together, rejoiced together. This pic is just few seconds before two of us fell down from the pipe, yet holding together before and even while falling.... Togetherness ticked in every moment.
Now when i look back and gaze into present the other two have flown miles away,across seas to pursue their dreams... one in US and other in Europe. Yet i feel with a faith lingering in my heart that somewhere we still are connected together and as i said its among friends that this togetherness always keeps ticking..!!!
......and reading bob dylan again i was just taking care of the memories i shared.
A good start buddy! and the pic is indeed seeping togetherness...
Bob Dylan's quote incited my heart too..
ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿದೆ ಅಶೋಕ, ಚಿತ್ರ ಮತ್ತು ಬರಹ.. :) ಹೀಗೆ ಬರೀತಾ ಇರು..
whats this fascination to nukes??
nice start.. keep it coming :)
Nice and well penned thought.. may your thoughts keep flowing and make this blog alive always..
Hey Maga..,
Superb click, picture says it all..!! As usual creative work and best selection of words.. Awesome.. Keep it up buddy..
Super cool thought anz...!!!! As always I loved it...!!!
This is too good ..the pic is very lively and says it all !!!
bhai emotional kar diya tu ye sab likh ke..all memories come flooding back.. :)
memories are there to flood back. Let them come, it will flush out a lot of things and rejuvenate u
A "Dil Chahtha Hai" kind of scene. We never realise when we loose the innocence and the joy of being together. All that remain are memories.
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