Friday, September 25, 2009


“You will always find an answer in the sound of water."

This is a neophyte's view of Water. Am not really talking about all the eco-balance and save water jargon though but something really off the beat.
When i actually look back when i was young i have this strange affinity towards water,it has always fascinated me in numerous ways; though i never could swim in it.
       Strangely when i look at the panchabhuta's i always was fascinated by water. Its one among those 5 elements that assures is the most powerful in all aspects. Water embodies in its fathoms enormous power, vigor and force. On the other hand its equally calm, peaceful and the most beautiful to look at. I strongly believe that water is one such thing that can communicate and express every expression and emotion of life. Music,Love, anger, calmness, destruction, speed; name it and you would have seen display it in all colors and shape of life. Water could dissolve anything and swallow it over a period of time.The widespread oceans themselves explain the hugeness of water. From Pouring life and growth to so many attributes water any day could work wonders. Something that appealed me most about water is its adaptability, taking the shape of anything that it flows into.

Now why all of a sudden talk so much about water?
On a finer look its actually about us that i am trying to talk.I feel there is a lot that one can learn form water. A river teaches you to be calm and patient at source. Gather and store as you flow, roar mightily when you are full of wisdom and knowledge, carry good values, settle the bad pebbles and embrace the meaning of life by giving all the good when u meet the ocean. Just as water does being adaptable to things and being among all when with people around, are some of the few of the millions that we can learn.
That's why probably da vinci has said...
“In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time.”......

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Bob Dylan said...“Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them.”
Just then i happened to pop onto this pic. It was an amazing moment between us pals. We ate together, rejoiced together. This pic is just few seconds before two of us fell down from the pipe, yet holding together before and even while falling.... Togetherness ticked in every moment.
Now when i look back and gaze into present the other two have flown miles away,across seas to pursue their dreams... one in US and other in Europe. Yet i feel with a faith lingering in my heart that somewhere we still are connected together and as i said its among friends that this togetherness always keeps ticking..!!!
......and reading bob dylan again i was just taking care of the memories i shared.